Frazer Meacham

Holding mountain chickadee

I began my undergraduate education at Humboldt State University where I studied zoology and worked on a couple field research projects. (You can see me here working with Mountain Chickadees.) My interests developed towards purely theoretical questions in evolution and I transferred to UC Berkeley to major in applied mathematics with an emphasis in mathematical biology.

After I received my bachelor's degree in 2010, I worked in Lior Pachter's lab at Berkeley doing research in computational genomics. I published my first paper based on work I did there with Meromit Singer.

I am now a graduate student advised by Carl Bergstrom in the Department of Biology at the University of Washington. At the moment I am developing game-theoretic models of cooperation between mates. The goal is to understand under what conditions natural selection will favor prolonged courtship periods that may help insure partner fidelity.